
Thursday, March 20, 2014

next time you shop, make a difference.

Looking for gift ideas or new decorations for your home? Why not benefit others with your purchase by shopping fair trade? Check out Partners in Development's brand new Etsy shop

PID works in impoverished communities in Haiti, Guatemala, and the U.S. Their goal is community transformation through medical care, adequate housing, small business loans, education, and child sponsorships. The new Etsy shop features beautiful, handmade arts and crafts from the areas where PID works, and each purchase provides a fair wage to the artist who created it. In areas where unemployment is incredibly high and wages are incredibly low, this is a BIG DEAL.

So, next time you're in need of a bowl, purse, cards, jewelry, or a wooden rooster, save yourself a trip to the mall and shop here first. Your purchase helps someone put food on the table.

[Oil drum bowl made from recycled steel in Haiti]
[Wooden roosters from Guatemala. Who can resist these guys?]
[Oil drum bowl made from recycled steel in Haiti]
[Beaded earrings made from rolled magazines]
Learn more about PID.