
Friday, June 28, 2013

the power of a paintbrush, round two

here's round two of remedying screaming walls! (if you missed round one, see it here.)
[i have to admit, that's a pretty good red sox logo]
[trying to redeem myself]

Sunday, June 23, 2013

the power of a paintbrush

as part of our last living situation, we agreed to do some painting (aka cover up screaming walls). check out the progress:
[before: neon green and charcoal grey]
[another angle: neon green and charcoal grey]
[another angle: mid-primer]
[after: did you feel your blood pressure go down?]
[after: the finished (calmer) product]

Monday, June 17, 2013

all grown up

two weeks ago, my baby sister went to senior prom and graduated from high school. the same girl who showered with the bathroom door open until she was 12 because she hated being alone is growing up to become a beautiful, smart, capable young woman (who still hates being alone, but that's another post for another time). the confusing part about all this is that i still think she's seven. and probably always will, even when she graduates from college, gets a big girl job, gets married and has kids (who eventually turn seven). she'll always be my baby sister, but i'm proud of her and look forward to watching her grow even more over the next four years of college.

love you, la! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

tough guys


Tuesday, June 4, 2013


do you know how many wine bottles it took to get all these corks?!? we love wine, but not THAT much, so thanks to the friends and family who have consistently donated to my stash. the K is finally complete - although i'm still taking donations for future cork projects :)